
oclint-xcodebuild Manual

For developers who use Xcode, oclint-xcodebuild is a helpful program that extracts adequate compiler options from xcodebuild execution log, converts them into JSON Compilation Database format, and save it into compile_commands.json file.

See also

Read Apple’s official xcodebuild Manual Page from Mac Developer Library. To understand how oclint-xcodebuild can be applied in your workflow, please move onto Using OCLint with xcodebuild document.

Please also consider using xcpretty.

Running oclint-xcodebuild

If a xcodebuild.log file is at the current working directory. Simply run


In case the xcodebuild log is stored in a file with name other than xcodebuild.log, append the path to the log file like

oclint-xcodebuild </path/to/xcodebuild/log>

When certain files are compiled by Xcode but we want to exclude them from the compilation database, we could filter them out by

oclint-xcodebuild -e <exclude_pattern_regex> </path/to/xcodebuild/log>

The compile_commands.json will be generated to the current working directory.

oclint-xcodebuild -o </path/to/output/compile/commands/json> </path/to/xcodebuild/log>

In addition, this will redirect the JSON Compilation Database output to the path specified.


It’s highly recommended to avoid having spaces in your file name or file path. It’s a good practice. Meanwhile, even though oclint itself supports spaces in path, oclint-json-compilation-database and oclint-xcodebuild still have issues handling spaces in path.


oclint-xcodebuild is still an experimental project. The success of it depends on various things, e.g. Mac OS X version, the Xcode version and project settings. However, since developers who use Xcode are familiar with Apple’s manner of supporting only the latest version and one previous version, so oclint-xcodebuild tries to follow this convention. Your feedback is warmly welcome to help improve this helper program.