
Checking Out Code

This document helps get the latest source code of OCLint, its submodules and dependencies. We will also describe the preferred structure of your codebase in this document.


There is a summary of necessary terminal commands at the bottom of this document, here is the free ride for skipping all the detail and going directly to there.

OCLint GitHub Repositories

All source code of OCLint and its submodules are hosted at GitHub.


This repository hosts the OCLint source code, which consists of core, metrics, rules, and reporters modules. Check out the code by

git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint.git

It will create a oclint folder in current directory, let’s give it an alias name OCLINT_HOME.


This repository contains the Python code for oclint-json-compilation-database.

Go into the OCLINT_HOME folder, and check out this repository in there:

git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint-json-compilation-database.git


Code for ocling-xcodebuild has been pushed to this repository. Go to the OCLINT_HOME folder, and check out the code:

git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint-xcodebuild.git


oclint/oclint is pretty much everything you need if you are interested in OCLint development. The other two helper programs support OCLint to ease developers in certain ways. They are standalone programs themselves. Check out them when you want to improve them or you are willing to use the development version OCLint in your environment. Also, in order to run dogfooding, you still need to checkout oclint/oclint-json-compilation-database.

LLVM/Clang Codebase

LLVM/Clang has its own code structure, and the detail information can be found at Clang’s Get Started page. We also provide a script that checks out all LLVM/Clang repositories into correct location.

cd oclint-scripts
cd ..

In addition, checkoutLLVMClang.sh script does more than that:

  • First, ./checkoutLLVMClang.sh update can update the existing LLVM/Clang checkout.
  • Second, you can check out a branch codebase other than the trunk codebase by ./checkoutLLVMClang.sh <branch_name>
    • We can find the current supported list of branches by ./checkoutLLVMClang.sh branch.


Google C++ Testing and Mocking Frameworks are used for testing OCLint. OCLint follows Test Driven Development (TDD), so checkout them before we work on this codebase and want to make sure the modifications do not break the other pieces of code.

We also provide a script checkoutGoogleTest.sh with two functions:

  • Check out the code simply by ./checkoutGoogleTest.sh
  • Update the codebase by ./checkoutGoogleTest.sh update


Sum up, to check out all OCLint modules and dependencies, we could execute the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint.git
cd oclint
git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint-json-compilation-database.git
git clone https://github.com/oclint/oclint-xcodebuild.git
cd oclint-scripts
cd .. # back to the root folder of OCLint codebase

To update the entire codebase, we can do:

cd oclint # start from OCLint root directory
git pull origin master
cd oclint-json-compilation-database
git pull origin master
cd ../oclint-xcodebuild
git pull origin master
cd ../oclint-scripts
./checkoutLLVMClang.sh update
./checkoutGoogleTest.sh update
cd .. # back to OCLint root directory

So now, we OCLint directory might be like this:
