
oclint-json-compilation-database Manual

oclint-json-compilation-database is a helper program that eases running OCLint against a set of source code files. Instead of specifying compiler flags for each file when oclint is invoked, these compiler flags could be collected and persistently saved to compile_commands.json file in JSON Compilation Database format.

See also

Please read JSON Compilation Database Format Specification for detail.

oclint-json-compilation-database can fetch necessary information from compile_commands.json and kick off oclint with these compiler flags under the hook for code analysis. See the usage by typing oclint-json-complication-database -help:

usage: oclint-json-compilation-database  [-h] [-v] [-debug] [-i INCLUDES]
                                         [-e EXCLUDES]
                                         [oclint_args [oclint_args ...]]

OCLint for JSON Compilation Database (compile_commands.json)

positional arguments:
  oclint_args           arguments that are passed to OCLint invocation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v                    show invocation command with arguments
  -debug, --debug       invoke OCLint in debug mode
  -i INCLUDES, -include INCLUDES, --include INCLUDES
                        extract files matching pattern
  -e EXCLUDES, -exclude EXCLUDES, --exclude EXCLUDES
                        remove files matching pattern

Filter Options

-i INCLUDES, -include INCLUDES, –include INCLUDES
Extract files matching pattern from compile_commands.json or prior matching result
-e EXCLUDES, -exclude EXCLUDES, –exclude EXCLUDES
Remove files matching pattern from compile_commands.json or prior matching result

Sometimes, we may be interested in only a subset of entire codebase defined in compile_commands.json, and just want to inspect these sources. To do that, we can use filter options to get this subset. Since oclint-json-compilation-database is written in Python, so the matching pattern needs to follow Python regular expression syntax. In addition, multiple filters can be chained to get the file set we need for analysis.

OCLint Options

Remember there are many options that we can use to change the behavior of OCLint itself? Sure, and we can also ask oclint-json-compilation-database to pass through these options when it invokes oclint under the hook.

Since all compiler options are defined in compile_commands.json file, we don’t need to tell oclint about them this time. But by following the same idea, now, the OCLint options can be given to oclint-json-compilation-database by appending -- separator followed by all OCLint options:

oclint-json-compilation-database [<filter0> ... <filterN>] -- [oclint options]

Debug Options

show invocation command with arguments
invoke OCLint in debug mode

oclint-json-compilation-database generates oclint command with corresponding options based on our settings of all filters and OCLint options, and eventually call oclint for us. Debug option -v outputs the final oclint invocation command, it’s helpful for debugging purposes, because if we run the generated oclint command directly in the console, we will get the identical result same as using oclint-json-compilation-database.

More than that, if OCLint is built in the debug model, -debug outputs deeper message from OCLint invocation. It prints messages that can help understand the overall progress of OCLint analysis. Please aware that this is only available when OCLint is built with debug flag on.