
Using OCLint with CMake

This document shows how to apply OCLint to the projects which use CMake as build system.


CMake is able to generate JSON Compilation Database file compile_commands.json with no hassle at all. If a project uses CMake as its build system, then applying OCLint is a quite easy task.

Generating compile_comamnds.json

Simply add -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON to the existing cmake command, like

cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON path/to/source-root

As a result, the compile_commands.json file is generated in the CMake build folder.

That’s it!

Using compile_commands.json

We can leave the compile_commands.json file here in the build directory, and use -p option to specify this file for oclint.

But in order to use oclint-json-compilation-database, it’s required to copy or link this file to our source directory, for example:

  • copy the file
cp `pwd`/compile_commands.json /path/to/source-root
  • link the file
ln -s `pwd`/compile_commands.json /path/to/source-root

Running OCLint

Now we can use oclint by

oclint -p <build path> <source0> [... <sourceN>]

build path is the path to the folder that contains compile_commands.json.

In addition, we can use oclint-json-compilation-database for code analysis. In this case, simply enter


For advanced usage, detail instructions can be found in oclint and oclint-json-compilation-database manuals respectively.